Below you find an (incomplete) list of papers and talks which I authored or co-authored.
Query the ADS abstract service. Checkout out my ORCID and my Research Gate profile. Check out my GitHub profile.
Journals (peer-reviewed)
- Physical properties of trans-Neptunian object (143707) 2003 UY117 derived from stellar occultation and photometric observationsPhysical properties of trans-Neptunian object (143707) 2003 UY117 derived from stellar occultation and photometric observations ::
- A study of centaur (54598) Bienor from multiple stellar occultations and rotational light curves ::
- Optical monitoring of the Didymos-Dimorphos asteroid system with the Danish telescope around the DART mission impact :: PSJ (acc.)
- The stellar occultation by (319) Leona on 13 September 2023 in preparation for the occultation of Betelgeuse ::
- Changing material around (2060) Chiron revealed by an occultation on December 15, 2022 :: 10.1051/0004-6361/202347025
- Constraints on (2060) Chiron’s size, shape, and surrounding material from the November 2018 and September 2019 stellar occultations :: 10.1051/0004-6361/202346749
- A dense ring of the trans-Neptunian object Quaoar outside its Roche limit :: 10.1038/s41586-022-05629-6
- The multichord stellar occultation by the centaur Bienor on January 11, 2019 :: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243214
- An astrometric mass estimate for asteroid (223) Rosa :: 10.1051/0004-6361/202243968
- Constraints on the structure and seasonal variations of Triton's atmosphere from the 5 October 2017 stellar occultation and ... :: 10.1051/0004-6361/202141443
- Refined physical parameters for Chariklo's body and rings from stellar occultations observed between 2013 and 2020 :: 10.1051/0004-6361/202141543
- Lower atmosphere and pressure evolution on Pluto from ground-based stellar occultations, 1988-2016 :: 10.1051/0004-6361/201834281
- Chariklo's body and ring system: three multi-chord stellar occultations in 2017 :: ADS
- Stellar Occultation of Triton on October 5th, 2017 :: ADS
- Dynamics of rings around elongated bodies :: ADS
- Lightcurve analysis for (222317) 2000 TE1 :: MPB 44-2 (2017).
- Lightcurve analysis for 30 Urania :: MPB 42-3 (2015).
- Lightcurve analysis of NEA (361071) 2006 AO4 :: MPB 42-3 (2015).
- A New Astrometric Mass Estimate For 121 Hermione :: MPB 41-3 (2014).
- An Astrometric Mass Estimate for 476 Hedwig :: MPB 41-2 (2014).
- Photometric Observation and Lightcurve Analysis of (24445) 2000 PM8 :: MPB 41-2 (2014).
- An exploration of Pluto's environment through stellar occultations :: Boissel et al. :: A&A 2014.
- Titania's radius and an upper limit on its atmosphere from the September 8, 2001 stellar occultation :: Widemann et al. :: Icarus 2009.
- The two Titan stellar occultations of 14 November 2003 :: Sicardy et al. :: JGR2006.
- Large changes in Pluto's atmosphere as revealed by recent stellar occultations :: Sicardy et al. :: Nature 2003.
Journals and Research Notes
- The Occultation of Betelgeuse by (319) Leona on 2023 Dec 12 :: JOA 2023-4
- An Astrometric Mass Estimate for (624) Hektor :: 10.3847/2515-5172/ace318
- Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1: The Appulse of 2020 December 8 and Future Prospects for Stellar Occultations, 2021-2029 :: JOA 2021-3 [ADS]
- The Solar System Beyond Jupiter :: JOA 2021-2 [PDF]
- Using Python in (Occultation) Astronomy :: JOA 2020-3 [PDF]
- Beyond Jupiter - (50000) Quaoar :: JOA 2020-1 [ADS]
- Beyond Jupiter - (136108) Haumea :: JOA 2019-3 [ADS]
- The 2018 September 2 Occultation by (50000) Quaoar, observed in Southern Africa and an Outlook on Occultations in 2019 :: JOA 2019-2
- Studying Comets by the Stellar Occultation Method :: JOA 2018-4.
- The Triton stellar occultation of 2017 October 05:: BAA Journal Vol. 127, No.4, 2017. [PDF]
- Brief communication on the 2017 June 22 Chariklo Occultation Observation:: JOA 2017-2.
- Report about the 2017 Apr 09 Chariklo Occultation Observation:: JOA 2017-2.
- Beyond Jupiter: (10199) Chariklo :: JOA 2017-1.
- Leap Seconds :: JOA 2016-4. [PDF]
- Combining Asteroid Lightcurve and Occultation Observations :: JOA 2016-3 [PDF]
- Lichtkurven-Analyse mit Python :: VdS-Journal Nr. 59, IV/2016. [preprint]
- Über Sternkataloge in der Kleinplaneten-Astronomie :: VdS-Journal Nr. 59, IV/2016. [preprint]
- On the application of 3D asteroid models to occultation work :: JOA 2012-3.
- Beobachtungsaufenthalt auf dem Calar Alto im Mai 2005 :: MRMN 2005.
- Photometrische Beobachtungen des Asteroiden (129) Antigone :: MRMN 2005.
- Interplanetare Atmosphärenforschung in Namibia :: Mitt. Namibische Wissensch. Gesell. 2003.
- Über die Veränderung der Pluto-Atmosphäre: Teil 2 :: MRMN 2003.
- Über die Veränderung der Pluto-Atmosphäre: Teil 1 :: MRMN 2003.
- Sternbedeckungen durch Kleinplaneten im Jahr 2003 :: VdS-Journal Nr. 11, 2/2003.
- Nichtgravitative Kräfte bei Kometen :: MRMN 2002.
- Erste Kleinplanetenendeckung am T1T in Trebur :: MRMN 2002.
- Kometenspektroskopie mit Amateurmitteln :: VdS-Journal Nr. 05, 2000.
- Über die Bahn des Kometen von 1458 :: KPM 20 (1992) (reprint).
- Interessante Kometen bis ins Jahr 2020 :: KPM 18 (1991).
- Eine Methode zur Bestimmung genäherter Kleinplanetenörter :: KPM 17 (1991).
- Bestimmung astrometrischer Positionen mit zwei Sternen :: KPM 14 (1990).
- Geographische Ortsbestimmung aus drei Gestirnshöhenmessungen [PDF].
- 2023: Physical Properties of trans-Neptunian Object 2002 KX14 from Stellar Occultation Observations :: Europlanet ERIM 2023
- 2022: The 11 November 2021 multi-chord stellar occultation by trans-Neptunian object (119951) 2002 TC302 :: EPSC 2022
- 2022: On the stellar occultations by comets 28P and 430P :: ESOP41, September 10-11.
- 2020: Occultations and the Size and Density of Asteroids :: Virtual ESOP 39, August 29-30. [PDF]
- 2020: Sternbedeckungen: Wie wir sie beobachten und was wir daraus lernen :: GvA Hamburg, 29. Januar 2020.
- 2019: Astrometrie 4.0 - Über Fehlermodelle, Anwendungen und die Zukunft (amateur-)astrometrischer Messungen ::
22. Kleinplanetentagung, VEGA Sternwarte Haus der Natur, Salzburg, 14.-16. Juni 2019.
- 2018: Sternbedeckungsbeobachtungen in Namibia und Südafrika :: IAS MV, Bad Soden-Salmünster, Okt. 27-28.
- 2017: The Chariklo Occultation Campaign 2017 :: ESOP 36, Freiberg, Germany, Sep 15-17.
- 2017: (10199) Chariklo :: Südsternfreundetreffen, Gross Barmen, Namibia. 23-24 June.
- 2017: (10199) Chariklo :: 20. Kleinplanetentagung, Leiden, NL.
- 2016: Lichtkurven von Kleinplaneten und deren Auswertung :: BAV Regionaltreffen Hamburg, DE.
- 2016: On the Uncertainty of Asteroidal Occultation Predictions in the (Pre-) Gaia Era :: ESOP 35, Guildford, UK
- 2015: Current star catalogs. Comparison and their application to occultation work :: ESOP 34, Hannover, DE
- 2015: On the accuracy and uncertainty of asteroidal occultation predictions :: ESOP 34, Hannover, DE
- 2015: URAT1 - Ein neuer Sternkatalog für die Astrometrie :: Kleinplanetentagung, Essen, DE
- 2015: Sternbedeckungen durch Kleinplaneten. Eigene Vorhersagen und die Präsentation im Web :: Kleinplanetentagung, Essen, DE
2012: Über die Generierung synthetischer Lichtkurven aus Asteroiden-Modellen und deren Anwendung ::
Berlin, DE
- 2011: Welchen Einfluss haben Sternkataloge auf die Massenbestimmung von Kleinplaneten :: Kleinplanetentagung, Heppenheim, DE
- 2008: Eine Webdatenbank zur Archivierung von Sternbedeckungsbeobachtungen durch Asteroiden :: Kleinplanetentagung, Heppenheim, DE
- 2008: Asteroid Mass Determination :: Kleinplanetentagung, Heppenheim, DE
- 2005: Asteroid Mass Determination :: Kleinplanetentagung, Heppenheim, DE
- 2004: Prediction of Occultations by TNOs :: ESOP 23, Paris, France
- 2002: Spectroscopic observations of comets with amateur means :: MACE, Visnijan, Croatia
- 2002: Occultation predictions of KBOs and other unusual objects :: MACE, Visnijan, Croatia
- 1999: Asteroidal Occultation predictions by IOTA/ES :: ESOP 18, Stuttgart, DE
- 1998: Spektroskopische Beobachtung an Komet C/1995O1 (Hale-Bopp) :: Freigericht, DE
- 1997: Kometenbeobachtung - Wissenschaftlicher Beitrag durch Amateure :: Heppenheim, DE
- 1995: Sternbedeckungen durch Kleinplaneten :: Heppenheim, DE
"Kometen Beobachten" (ISBN 3-87973-924-2, 260 Seiten, 1. Auflage 1998) by A.Kammerer and M.Kretlow.
The second edition (updated April 2010, about 300 pages, in German) is available for free as PDF (17MB) .
MRMN = Mitteilungen astronomischer Vereinigungen Rhein-Main-Nahe (Herausgeber: AAG Mainz)
Last edited: November 16, 2024, 18:48